Blurred Lines: Release Day & Thank You!
Blurred Lines officially released two days ago and I am so excited it’s finally out into the world!
On Thursday night (the night before release), I was literally like a kid on Christmas Eve. I kept counting down the hours until Friday, 7.10, because I was so excited to share Ava & River’s love story.
Readers are loving it, which is so exciting, because I can confidently say that Blurred Lines is the HARDEST I have ever worked on a book to date, and it’s my sixth novel!
I’m patiently awaiting my author copies from Amazon to arrive so I can start sending out signed paperback orders. I’ve emailed those of you who have ordered to let you know there’s a bit of a delay, but I will make up for it when they ship with cool author swag! <3
Anyways, this was just a super quick blog post to let you know how appreciative I am for all of you. I love that you read my work and that you enjoy it, and share it!
I want to insert a quick excerpt from Blurred Lines that I LOVE!
I breathe him in before quickly stumbling my drunk ass backward. He smells like he always has—woodsy, spicy, home. I am devastated and elated all at once.
Every single ounce of air inside my lungs suddenly evaporates
and I’m left breathless, like I’ve seen a ghost. How is he here? River
Jacobs. My first love. My first heartbreak. My first everything.“Ava.” His voice is low and husky—the same as I remember.
The way he says my name brings every single emotion I’ve ever
felt for him surging back, making me lightheaded.I allow my eyes to pan up to his, a green emerald forest I have no
problem getting lost in. “River.” His name tastes good on my
tongue, sweet and sultry. I gulp it down. “How are you here?” I’m
not subtle, and I suppose I have the wine and two vodka shots to
thank for that. I hope I don’t look as messy on the outside as I feel
on the inside.When he smiles his crooked, perfect smile, I melt into myself. I
know that smile so well and God, I’ve missed it. I’ve tried to
convince myself I don’t but, the truth is, I’ve never been able to get
him out of my head. He’s always been there, far, but his lasting
impact remained relentless.“Don’t look so surprised, Ave.” He chuckles. It’s a deep, throaty
laugh and I’m reminded of yet another thing I’ve missed infinitely.
“I’m back visiting my sister, trying to sort things out. Long story.”
He runs his fingers through his hair and sighs.Hailee sits down at the table with the three men, and I signal to
River that we should go outside. It’s loud as hell in this place. I
don’t want to have an awkward I haven’t seen you in five years conversation over Bon Jovi’s screeching. So, when he nods, I reach for his
hand and lead him out of the bar. The alcohol swimming inside me
gives me the confidence to take the lead, even after all this time.I glance back at Hailee, giving her a look so she knows I’ll be
close by if she needs me, and she grins back at me.Once we’re outside, River says, “I’ve missed you, Ava.” The gaze
he’s holding and the honesty in his voice, mixes with my buzz,
making everything in this moment blur together.I look at him, really look at him, for the first time in over five
years. His emerald eyes glisten in the dark as headlights roll over his
face, cars whooshing past us.I want to tell him I’ve missed him, but something stops me. My
pride? My new jaded self? “I’m so surprised to see you.” I glance
away from his face because it’s too perfect, even after all this time,
and I’m suddenly shy in his presence. So much has changed. There’s
been so much time and distance and hurt packed into these years,
but now he’s too close to me and all I can think about is getting my
hands on him and letting them speak the words that I can’t right
now. “But you did tell me you’d find me again someday,” I say,
remembering it as I smile up at him.“Yeah, and you stopped taking my calls. That hurt.” He looks
away from me for a moment and then turns back toward me. “I
mean, I understand why. I really do. It was hard, though. I get that it
was my choice to leave but that didn’t mean I wanted to lose you. I
just—”“Let me make it up to you tonight,” I interrupt him. With us, it
was never just about the sex, but it had been a beautiful bonus. I’d
be lying to myself if I said I hadn’t thought about it multiple times
over the years. Seeing him now makes me feel like I’m seventeen
again, and the rush is more intoxicating than alcohol could ever be.“Do you want to get out of here?” he asks, as we stand on the
sidewalk outside the bar. My eyes widen at his question and he
quickly says, “That wasn’t supposed to sound like a lame attempt to
take you home with me.” An uncomfortable laugh escapes his lips.I boldly reach out to cup his face in my hands, bringing my
mouth to his to allow my actions to do what words can’t, losing
myself in the moment as I taste the nostalgia on his lips.
Tonight, I don’t care about consequences. I don’t think about the
mess this might make for us in the morning.Tonight, I want him in his entirety.
“Who says I want you to take me home, River Jacobs?”
Thank you.
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