My Best Review…& My Worst.

My Best Review…& My Worst.

Ah, reviews. Reviews are quite literally some of the best exposure an author can get. Great reviews help books to be seen, and the crazy, ever-changing algorithms favor them. Bad reviews, well. Bad reviews suck. There’s no way around it. It sucks to read something bad about something you’ve worked so hard on, something you’ve poured your heart and soul into.

But the thing is, it happens.

Bad reviews are part of life. Authors know this, myself included, but they still sting every single time we read one. What I can appreciate about a bad review is that at least that reader took the time to write about the book. Most of the time, even the “bad” reviews are constructive criticism. Although, I did read a review one time via Goodreads and the reader shelved it on “piss-poor.” We can’t all have “great-bad” reviews, hah!

All jokes aside, bad reviews are part of being an author, and as I said, most of the time, they aren’t too difficult to deal with. I think it’s important that authors acknowledge both. We can learn and grow from it, and sometimes even have a good laugh at ourselves…at our own expense.

Take a look at my best and worst review for my recent book, Blurred Lines!

Not everyone is going to love your book, and unfortunately, some people won’t even like it.
I think it’s so important to find the value in every review, even the ones from the readers who shelve your book in the “piss-poor” section.

<3 Until next time! Want to pick my brain? Tell me about your current read? Your last five star read? Drop me a line at OR! Connect with me on social media! Twitter
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Last Day to Snag Raven’s Grove for .99 Pennies!

Last Day to Snag Raven’s Grove for .99 Pennies!

Only a few more hours left!

This is the first time Raven’s Grove has been .99 cents! We don’t do this often but we’re having a little sale and the first book in our duo is only .99 cents. Make sure you check out Raven’s Grove: Redemption when you’re finished!

Haven’t heard of RG? Here’s the blurb:

Eight years ago, Eve ditched her last name and fled across the country after being brutally attacked and left for dead. She’s determined to forget, drowning her panic attacks in whiskey and living the life of a recluse.

The walls she’s built around her new existence are impenetrable until she meets Max, a captivating but broken hometown hero, who causes her to rethink everything. When Eve receives word that her attacker is being released from prison, she knows two things:

He will find her, and when he does, he’s going to finish the job.

He’s already stolen her innocence, her friendships, and her home. Now, she’s dead set on revenge. With the past’s demented secrets closing in as fast as Eve is falling for Max, will she be able to beat her assailant at his own game?

Grab it here, sale ends in a few hours: